Friday, October 21, 2016

Blog Post 6

                The photographer I am choosing for the Emulation assignment is Kent Baker, and his protect "66/99, An American Road Trip." The reason for choosing this photographer was because I like how he is very good at highlighting smaller encounters on a larger scale. His book allows you to follow the story and his experiences as he travels cross country. His style of photography is interesting; very spontaneous but prepared as well, almost a similar to a photojournalist style. Because he had never been to any of these places before, his photos seem to reflect what he is actually seeing for the first time and how those are connected to where he was geographically. He focuses on movement throughout the project by keeping the shutter open longer. Also what was very interesting to me was his use of flash. Because a good portion of these were taken at night the flash helped focus the center of the image. He also photographs landscapes as well as cars with their drivers.
Image result for Kent baker 66/99 photos
Image result for Kent baker 66/99 photos

          I plan to focus on his style of documenting the process of one thing with small encounters as well as movement. I have never been good at capturing movement by keeping the shutter open longer and I think this would be a good time to get experience with that. Also I would like to try to emulate his use of flash and see what type of photos I could take at night.